The Complete Guide to Fujifilm's X-T2
NEW! Includes Addendum for firmware 2.0 and 2.10.
If you’re uncertain in any way about even one thing your XT2 does, then save time and money and grab this book. This is EVERYTHING X-T2 explained in easy to understand language! It is the Manual on Steroids and much more… In it, I assume you are a photographer, so I don’t dive in to the basics of photography (except in an Appendix). Everything comes with clear tutorials and examples.
This 651-page full-color book:
* Is packed with tips and tricks to help you master photography with an X-T2.
* Covers every mode, menu, button, function, and socket.
* Explains the new Flash modes, including the new wireless flash.
* Includes all my camera settings and an explanation of why on earth I do it that way.
* Covers every essential of shooting – like: ISO, Focus, WB, Metering, flash modes – and the more esoteric ones too.
* Explains how and why to customize all the buttons and menus.
* Has a great tutorial to help you master the ins and outs of RAW.
* Explains why all glass (Fuji lenses) are not born equal.
* Includes a 22 page Condensed Guide to the Basics of modern digital photography.
Get the most from your investment - Learn about the wonders of digital imaging and improve your creative eye at the same time!
As a bonus (hey! I’m trying to entice you to buy my book!), I give everyone who buys my book a PDF copy of my other eBook “Mastering Flash with Fujifilm X Cameras” – value $9.95 value. Find out how in the book.
But Wait… There’s also an XLS spreadsheet listing all camera settings with a brief explanation of each, my own recommendations, and space to note your own settings. Instructions on how to get these extras are all in the ebook.